
From Mental Health to Parenting, Invite Martha to educate, encourage, and equip Your Audience.

Martha is a licensed therapist, author, and mentor who inspires and educates audiences on topics from mental health to parenting. She has spoken at prominent events, including YoungLife and women’s conferences, and shared the stage with renowned figures like Michael and Nicole Phelps. Discover how Martha can bring her expertise and passion to your next event.

Mental Health




Work-Life Balance


Mental Health | Family | Work-Life Balance |

  • “Martha is always a highlight! Each year, she teaches on a variety of subjects that really hit home wth the members of our program. She shares with humor and humility, and her animated style is incredibly engaging. We have already booked her for next year!”

    Winston Salem Fellows Program Directors

  • “Thank you for coming to speak to our parent group. You spoke with grace and sincerity and we felt less alone in our journey. You gave great tips that I have already started implementing!”

    ‘Children and Technology’ Panel Attendee

  • “I could have listened to you all night. You have a way of delivering hard messages with humor and grace. I felt lighter and more purposeful about parenting when I left!”

    ‘Shepherding our kids towards both Grace and Grit’ Attendee

Keynote Topics:

  • Anxiety & mental health management

  • Self-care- the myths and the value

  • Finding your purpose- Ministry without a Collar

  • Navigating a technology balance within your family and own practices

  • Parenting with Purpose - both in connection and emotional shepherding 

  • Pursuing a work-life balance with boundaries 

  • The importance of nature and play for connection within families